Berlin Office

The staff members of the Berlin office

Dr Marie Walter-Franke


Marie Walter-Franke is Researcher at the Expert Council on Integration and Migration (SVR), with a focus on refugee naturalisation and integration processes. She was awarded her doctorate by Freie Universität Berlin in 2023 for her thesis on EU asylum governance. Marie Walter-Franke studied politics at Sciences Po Paris and the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), majoring in European studies and migration research. She has previously worked on the German Council on Foreign Relations’ migration programme, for the Jacques Delors Centre, the European Commission and the International Labour Organization (ILO).

Professional background:

  • Since January 2024: Researcher at the Expert Council on Integration and Migration (SVR)
  • Associate Fellow of the German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP) in the “External Dimensions of Migration Policy” project, June 2022 – December 2023
  • Doctorate (Dr. phil.) in political sciences at Freie Universität Berlin with a doctoral thesis on “The government of exile: framing Europe’s refugees in the common European asylum system”, 2023
  • Affiliate Policy Fellow at the Jacques Delors Centre with a focus on EU asylum and migration policy, 2017–2022
  • Fellow of the Charlemagne Prize Academy, working on a project looking into innovative ways to reform EU asylum policy, 2019–2020
  • Doctoral Fellow on the Human Rights Under Pressure – Ethics, Law, and Politics Graduate Programme, a cooperation between Freie Universität Berlin and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 2014–2019
  • Topic Manager, Lexxion Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, focusing on EU law, 2012–2014
  • Trainee at the European Commission, Employment and Social Affairs Directorate, 2011–2012
  • Research Associate at the International Institute for Labour Studies (IILS) of the International Labour Organization (ILO), 2011
  • Double master’s degree at the European Institute at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) and Sciences Po Paris, 2008–2010
  • Foundation course in political and social sciences at Sciences Po Paris and the University of Heidelberg, 2005–2008


Walter-Franke, Marie/Yücetas, Hakan 2024: Zufluchtsland als neue Heimat: Einbürgerung von Geflüchteten nach der Reform des deutschen Staatsangehörigkeitsrechts. SVR-Policy Brief 2024-2, Berlin.

Walter-Franke, Marie 2024: Jus Soli auf Mayotte: Wegen zu hoher Zuwanderungszahlen will Frankreich das Gleichheitsprinzip kippen. Blogpost, FluchtforschungsBlog (available online:

Walter-Franke, Marie 2023: Anreize und Druck in der Migrationskooperation. Was Konditionalität bewirken kann und was nicht. DGAP Memo Nr 5 (available online:

Walter-Franke, Marie 2023: In der Migrationsdebatte gibt es keine einfachen Lösungen. In: Internationale Politik (available online:

Rietig, Victoria/Walter-Franke, Marie 2023: Conditionality in Migration Cooperation. Five Ideas for Future Use Beyond Carrots, Sticks and Delusions. DGAP Report No. 7 (available online:

Walter-Franke, Marie 2021: Triaging Mixed Migration: Trump Card or Achilles Heel of the Common European Asylum System? Insights from Organized Hypocrisy. In: International journal of refugee law, 33 (4), 645-670, DOI: 10.1093/ijrl/eeac015

Rasche Lucas/Walter-Franke, Marie 2020: Clear, fair and fast? Border procedures in the Pact on Asylum & Migration. Policy paper, Jacques Delors Centre (available online:

Rasche Lucas/Walter-Franke, Marie 2020: EU-Grenzverfahren: eindeutig, fair und schnell? Der ‚New Pact‘ im Check. Blog Post, FluchtforschungsBlog (available online:

Walter-Franke, Marie 2020: Less policing, more policies. A ‘fresh’ design for the EU’s asylum system. Beitrag in Charlemagne Prize Academy Annual Report 2020, 32-39 (available online:

Walter-Franke, Marie 2020: Europe to the rescEU: The missing piece in EU migration management is civil protection. Policy Brief, Jacques Delors Centre (available online:

Walter-Franke, Marie 2020: Redeploying EU asylum policy: A way out of the governance quagmire. Policy paper, Jacques Delors Centre (available online:

Walter-Franke, Marie 2019: Variable geometry risky for refugees: the Danish case. Policy position, Jacques Delors Centre (available online:

Davitti, Daria/Fries, Marlene/Walter-Franke, Marie 2018: Gradations of externalisation: Is the EU sailing towards offshoring asylum protection?. Policy brief 3/2018 for the Forced Migration Unit of the Human Rights Law Centre, Faculty of Law, University of Nottingham (available online:

Walter-Franke, Marie 2018: Building a European Asylum Regime in Discordance: Polarized representations of refugees in the discursive process of policy-making. In: Politique européenne 60(2), 34-70, DOI: 10.3917/poeu.060.0034

Bar-Tuvia, Shani/Walter-Franke, Marie 2017: Why Some E.U. States Want Hotspots in the Sahel. Op-ed, Refugees Deeply (available online:

Walter-Franke, Marie 2017: External EU Hotspots: The cat keeps coming back. Blog Post, Jacques Delors Centre (available online:

Walter-Franke, Marie 2017: The missing reflection paper on asylum policy. Blog Post, Jacques Delors Centre (available online:

Walter-Franke, Marie 2017: One year on: What lessons from the EU-Turkey ‘deal’? Blog Post, Jacques Delors Centre (available online:

Walter-Franke, Marie 2017: Asylum detention in Europe: State of play and ways forward. Policy Paper Nr 195, Jacques Delors Centre (available online:

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