Berlin Office

The staff members of the Berlin office

Karoline Popp

Karoline Popp studied Geography at Oxford University and Dispute and Conflict Resolution and International Law at London’s School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS). From 2008 to 2017 she worked for the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in the fields of migration policy and international cooperation in Geneva, and in IOM’s Regional Office for the Middle East and North Africa in Cairo.

Professional background:

  • Researcher at the Expert Council on Integration and Migration, since August 2017
  • Regional Liaison and Policy Officer, Regional Office for the Middle East and North Africa, International Organization for Migration (IOM), Cairo, 2014–2017
  • Migration Policy Officer, IOM, Geneva, 2007–2014
  • School of Oriental and African Studies, London (M.A. in Dispute and Conflict Resolution), 2007–2008
  • Oxford University (B.A. in Geography), 2003–2006

Publications (selection):

Friedrichs, Nils/Popp, Karoline 2024: Angekommen und transnational verbunden: Afghanische Zugewanderte in Deutschland. SVR-Studie 2024-4, Berlin.

Popp, Karoline 2022: Neue Diaspora? Engagement und transnationale Netzwerke der afghanischen und syrischen Communities in Deutschland. SVR-Policy Brief 2022-1, Berlin.

Popp, Karoline 2021: “No more Morias”? Origins, challenges and prospects of the hotspots on the Greek islands. SVR Policy Brief 2021-1, Berlin.

Beirens, Hanne/Le Coz, Camille/Hooper, Kate/Popp, Karoline/Schneider, Jan/ Süß, Jeanette 2019: Legal migration for work and training: Mobility options to Europe for those not in need of protection, The Expert Council’s Research Unit (SVR Research Unit)/Migration Policy Institute Europe (MPI Europe), Berlin

Schininà, Guglielmo/Popp, Karoline 2019: The Mental Health and Wellbeing of Migrants in the Context of the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda, in: Davidson, Laura (Hrsg.):  The Routledge Handbook of International Development, Mental Health and Wellbeing, Springer, 139–­151.

Popp, Karoline 2018: What Next for Global Refugee Policy? Opportunities and Limits of Resettlement at Global, European and National Levels, The Expert Council’s Research Unit (SVR Research Unit), Berlin.

Popp, Karoline 2016: Mediterranean Migration towards Europe: System Failure?, in: Freedom from Fear Magazine, Issue No. 12

Popp, Karoline/El Korri, Karima/Bartovic, Jozef 2016: Beyond Displacement: Migration Trends in the Arab Region, in: Migration Policy Practice, VI: 1

Popp, Karoline 2014: Regional Policy Perspectives, in: Piguet, Etienne/Laczko, Frank (eds.): People on the Move in a Changing Climate: The Regional Impact of Environmental Change on Migration, Springer, 229–253

Popp, Karoline 2012: Regional Processes, Law and Institutional Developments on Migration, in: Opeskin, Brian/Perruchoud, Richard/Redpath-Cross, Jillyanne (eds.): Foundations of International Migration Law, Cambridge, 366–389

Popp, Karoline 2012: Migrazione e cambiamento sociale: l’impatto sulle società, le famiglie e le identità, in: Saquella, Serena/Volpicelli, Stefano (eds.): Migrazione e Sviluppo: una nuova relazione?, Edizioni Nuova Cultura, Rom, 61–97

Contributor to the SVR Annual Report:

SVR 2023: Klimawandel und Migration: Was wir über den Zusammenhang wissen und welche Handlungsoptionen es gibt. Jahresgutachten 2023, Berlin.

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