Karoline Popp
Professional background:
- Researcher at the Expert Council on Integration and Migration, since August 2017
- Regional Liaison and Policy Officer, Regional Office for the Middle East and North Africa, International Organization for Migration (IOM), Cairo, 2014–2017
- Migration Policy Officer, IOM, Geneva, 2007–2014
- School of Oriental and African Studies, London (M.A. in Dispute and Conflict Resolution), 2007–2008
- Oxford University (B.A. in Geography), 2003–2006
Publications (selection):
Friedrichs, Nils/Popp, Karoline 2024: Angekommen und transnational verbunden: Afghanische Zugewanderte in Deutschland. SVR-Studie 2024-4, Berlin.
Popp, Karoline 2022: Neue Diaspora? Engagement und transnationale Netzwerke der afghanischen und syrischen Communities in Deutschland. SVR-Policy Brief 2022-1, Berlin.
Popp, Karoline 2021: “No more Morias”? Origins, challenges and prospects of the hotspots on the Greek islands. SVR Policy Brief 2021-1, Berlin.
Beirens, Hanne/Le Coz, Camille/Hooper, Kate/Popp, Karoline/Schneider, Jan/ Süß, Jeanette 2019: Legal migration for work and training: Mobility options to Europe for those not in need of protection, The Expert Council’s Research Unit (SVR Research Unit)/Migration Policy Institute Europe (MPI Europe), Berlin
Schininà, Guglielmo/Popp, Karoline 2019: The Mental Health and Wellbeing of Migrants in the Context of the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda, in: Davidson, Laura (Hrsg.): The Routledge Handbook of International Development, Mental Health and Wellbeing, Springer, 139–151.
Popp, Karoline 2018: What Next for Global Refugee Policy? Opportunities and Limits of Resettlement at Global, European and National Levels, The Expert Council’s Research Unit (SVR Research Unit), Berlin.
Popp, Karoline 2016: Mediterranean Migration towards Europe: System Failure?, in: Freedom from Fear Magazine, Issue No. 12
Popp, Karoline/El Korri, Karima/Bartovic, Jozef 2016: Beyond Displacement: Migration Trends in the Arab Region, in: Migration Policy Practice, VI: 1
Popp, Karoline 2014: Regional Policy Perspectives, in: Piguet, Etienne/Laczko, Frank (eds.): People on the Move in a Changing Climate: The Regional Impact of Environmental Change on Migration, Springer, 229–253
Popp, Karoline 2012: Regional Processes, Law and Institutional Developments on Migration, in: Opeskin, Brian/Perruchoud, Richard/Redpath-Cross, Jillyanne (eds.): Foundations of International Migration Law, Cambridge, 366–389
Popp, Karoline 2012: Migrazione e cambiamento sociale: l’impatto sulle società, le famiglie e le identità, in: Saquella, Serena/Volpicelli, Stefano (eds.): Migrazione e Sviluppo: una nuova relazione?, Edizioni Nuova Cultura, Rom, 61–97
Contributor to the SVR Annual Report:
SVR 2023: Klimawandel und Migration: Was wir über den Zusammenhang wissen und welche Handlungsoptionen es gibt. Jahresgutachten 2023, Berlin.