Dr Nora Storz
Professional background:
- Since November 2021: Researcher at the Expert Council on Integration and Migration (SVR)
- PhD at Utrecht University on reconciliation between ethnic groups in territorial conflict regions, 2017–2021
- Master’s in migration, interethnic relations and multiculturalism at Utrecht University, 2015–2017
- Bachelor’s in sociology at Leipzig University, 2011–2014
Storz, Nora/Wittlif, Alex 2024: Motive und Motivation in der Flüchtlingshilfe. Ergebnisse einer Befragung zum freiwilligen Engagement. SVR-Studie 2024-2, Berlin.
Straver, Lianne/Martinović, Borja/Nijs, Tom/Nooitgedagt, Wybren/Storz, Nora 2023: Who Believes the Country Belongs to Their Ethnic Ingroup? The Background Characteristics of ‘Owners’ and Their Support for Stricter Immigration Policies Across Three Western Societies, in: Journal of Social and Political Psychology, 11: 2, 570-585. (Available online: https://doi.org/10.5964/jspp.10617)
Storz, Nora/Friedrichs, Nils 2023: Antisemitische Einstellungen von Muslim:innen im Zusammenhang von Religiosität und Herkunftskontext. Beitrag zur Ad-hoc-Gruppe „Muslimische Religiosität: Vielfalt oder Polarisierung?“, in: Paula-Irene Villa (Hrsg.): Polarisierte Welten. Verhandlungen des 41. Kongresses der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie 2022, Bielefeld. (Available online: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziologie)
Storz, Nora 2023: Selektive Solidarität: Wovon Hilfsbereitschaft gegenüber Flüchtlingen abhängt. SVR-Policy Brief 2023-2, Berlin.
Friedrichs, Nils/Storz, Nora 2022: Antimuslimische und antisemitische Einstellungen im Einwanderungsland – (k)ein Einzelfall? SVR-Studie 2022-2, Berlin.
Storz, Nora/Wittlif, Alex 2022: Integration in Rheinland-Pfalz. Sonderauswertung des SVR-Integrationsbarometers 2020. Expertise im Auftrag des Ministeriums für Familie, Frauen, Kultur und Integration des Landes Rheinland-Pfalz. Wissenschaftlicher Stab des SVR, Berlin.
Storz, Nora/Martinović, Borja/Rosler, Nimrod 2022: Support for Conciliatory Policies in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: The Role of Different Modes of Identification and Territorial Ownership Perceptions, in: Frontiers in Psychology. (Available online: https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2021.769643)
Storz, Nora/Bilali, Rezarta/Martinović, Borja/Maloku, Edona/Rosler, Nimrod/Žeželj, Iris 2021: Collective victimhood and support for joint political decision-making in conflict regions: The role of shared territorial ownership perceptions, in: European Journal of Social Psychology. (Online verfügbar: https://doi.org/10.1002/ejsp.2831)
Storz, Nora/Martinović, Borja/Maloku, Edona/ Žeželj, Iris 2021: Can ´we´ share the contested territory with ´them´? Shared territorial ownership perceptions and reconciliation intentions in Kosovo, in: British Journal of Social Psychology. (Available online: Link to the British Journal of Social Psychology)
Breznau, Nate/Rinke, Eike Mark/Wuttke, Alexander/Nguyen, Hung H.V/…/Storz, Nora/ et al. 2021. How Many Replicators Does It Take to Achieve Reliability? Investigating Researcher Variability in a Crowdsourced Replication. SocArXiv. May 18. (Available online: doi:10.31235/osf.io/j7qta)
Breznau, Nate/Rinke, Eike Mark/Wuttke, Alexander/Nguyen, Hung H.V/…/Storz, Nora/ et al. 2021. Observing Many Researchers Using the Same Data and Hypothesis Reveals a Hidden Universe of Uncertainty. MetaArXiv. March 24. (Available online: doi:10.31222/osf.io/cd5j9)
Storz, Nora/Martinović, Borja/Verkuyten, Maykel/Žeželj, Iris/Psaltis, Charis/Roccas, Sonia 2020: Collective psychological ownership and reconciliation in territorial conflicts, in: Journal of Social and Political Psychology, 8:1, 404–425. (Available online: Link to the Journal of Social and Political Psychology)