Immigrant Citizens Survey (January 2011 – July 2012)

Within the scope of the “Immigrant Citizens Survey” migrants from outside the European Union were asked about their experiences in the areas of employment, language learning, political participation, residence status, naturalisation and family reunion. The aim of the project was to improve the understanding of integration processes. On the basis of the findings, recommendations were developed for how to better reach integration goals.

The survey was carried out in Germany and six other European countries: Belgium, France, Italy, Portugal, Spain and Hungary. The study was funded by the European Commission, the King Boudouin Foundation (Belgium) and the Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian (Portugal). The project was coordinated by the Migration Policy Group (MPG).

In the case of Germany, personal interviews were conducted with a total of 1,200 migrants from non-EU countries. The findings were published and presented at an international conference in June 2012.


Study – Summary

German Integration Measures from the Perspective of Non-EU Citizens. The Results of the Immigrant Citizens Survey for Germany


Immigrant Citizens Survey. How Immigrants experience integration in 15 European cities

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