Integration in Saxony. Special analysis of the SVR Integration Barometer 2022 (February 2024 – June 2024)
The Integration Barometer is a representative public survey of people with and without a migration background in Germany. It measures the integration climate in Germany as an immigration country and captures the population’s perceptions and expectations regarding integration and migration as well as integration and migration policy. The 2022 Integration Barometer was jointly sponsored for the second time by the Federal Ministry of the Interior and Community and the 16 federal states (Laender). It enables analyses at the federal and state level.
The Saxon State Ministry of Social Affairs & Cohesion (SMS) of the State of Saxony has again commissioned the Expert Council’s scientific staff with a special analysis of the SVR’s 2022 Integration Barometer. To this end, the available data for Saxony are analysed and presented in detail. The analysis focuses on the social, cultural and identificational dimensions of integration and on the Integration Climate Index. These aspects are analysed using descriptive and multivariate statistical techniques. Furthermore, comparisons with the values at the national level and with the findings of the SVR Integration Barometer 2018 are planned.
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