Naturalisation as an ‘integration booster’ for refugees (October 2023 – December 2026)

People forced to leave their home country who are living in Germany are significantly more likely to apply for naturalisation than other groups are. This trend is especially noticeable among Syrians who came to Germany in 2015/16. Concurrently, naturalisation is regarded as being beneficial to integration, especially for those groups that are economically disadvantaged or disadvantaged on account of their status. To date, though, little is known about why people in this group apply for naturalisation or the impact that has on participation and identity.

To close this gap, the scientific staff of the SVR is undertaking a research project that will conduct an in-depth investigation into refugees’ naturalisation behaviour, how important naturalisation is for the integration process and its implementation by the administrative authorities as part of the federal states’ and local authorities’ integration management processes. A cross-country analysis will be done so as to be able to compare the situation in Germany with that in other countries in which the naturalisation of refugees is or has been of an important issue, and also to be able to draw conclusions for integration management purposes.

The project, which is sponsored by Stiftung Mercator, not only seeks to elicit better scientific findings about refugees’ propensity to apply for naturalisation, it also aims to come up with concrete solutions for optimising the naturalisation process and integration in situ.

The project findings and recommendations for action are to be shared with stakeholders in politics, administration, science, civil society as well as with the general public through a series of publications and events.

→ You will find more information on the project here.

Policy Brief (Summary)

Refugee country as a new home: Naturalisation of refugees after the reform of German citizenship law

Dr Marie Walter-Franke
Tel: +49 30. 288 86 59 – 55
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Dr Hakan Yücetas
Tel: +49 30. 288 86 59 – 34
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Project lead
Dr Jan Schneider
Head of Research Unit
Telefon: +49 30. 288 86 59 – 22
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Dr Fabian Gülzau
Tel: +40 30. 288 86 59 – 23
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