Parent-Teacher Collaboration in Early Childhood Education (March 2012 – June 2014)
Children’s educational success and participation in society are rooted in their early childhood development. Parents, as the people children relate to most, lay the foundation for their children’s educational careers which can create special challenges particularly for migrant parents. Day care centres can give parents a lot of help bringing up their children.
The project aims to identify the function of day care centres and what they can offer in terms of parent education. The project looks at the general access families with a migration background have to institutional day care facilities, what kinds of parental education services day care centres offer and the necessary prerequisites for these services and whether migrant families make use of these services.
The project was funded by the Vodafone Foundation Germany. The final results were published in December 2014.
Summary – Study
Parents as Partners in Education: Successful Participation in Primary Schools
Summary – Study
Summary – Policy Brief
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