School Segregation in Germany (June 2012 – September 2013)
Segregation is no longer a marginal phenomenon at German schools, especially in urban areas. One of its negative consequences is to limit the educational opportunities open to migrant students.
The research project took a critical look at the extent, causes and effects of school segregation in Germany. Based on an in-depth analysis of international student assessment data (PIRLS and TIMSS 2011) and geospatial data for the city of Berlin this project aimed to develop concrete recommendations for reducing the performance gap between migrant students at segregated schools and their native German peers. Rather than overemphasising top-down desegregation measures, both schools and school administration should invest more time and resources in strengthening parent-teacher collaboration, need-based school funding and language instruction across the entire curriculum.
The project was funded by the Stiftung Mercator, which works towards the improvement of educational opportunities. The findings were published in July 2013.
Summary – Study
Summary – Policy Brief
Segregation at Primary Schools in Germany. The Effect of Parental Choice of School
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