Position paper on EU asylum policy

Position Paper | November 2024

On 1 December 2024, the new European Commission will take up its work. To mark this occasion, the Expert Council on Integration and Migration (SVR) has published a position paper on the implementation of the Common European Asylum System (CEAS) and the current debate. The recommendations for the EU legislative period from 2024 to 2029 are aimed at both the European institutions and those responsible at federal level in Germany. The focus is on the question of whether the European Union is moving towards a Europe of solidarity and implementing asylum policy together or whether the member states will continue or even increasingly go it alone.

In its paper the SVR recommends a fundamentally more objective and differentiated debate on asylum and migration policy as well as a swift and comprehensive implementation of the CEAS reform that has already been adopted. However, refugee and human rights standards must be upheld in the process.

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